鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw



HU Tai-Li


Returning Souls
2012, documentary film, 85'00"

胡台麗導演的紀錄片《讓靈魂回家》,呈現了太巴塱祖靈從中研院博物館的「回家」行動、或者更直接說是父祖鬼魂迴返的行動。紀錄片拍攝歷程中,導演的立場明晰可見,具有拒抗老靈魂、老鬼魂徘徊過程被人類學化、博物館化的去實體化政治意涵,片中陳述的太巴塱Kakita'an祖屋重建過程,更受到祖靈迴返的實質影響,動搖了現代地方派系政治凌駕於部落頭目長老政治的邏輯。片中太巴塱詩人阿道.巴辣夫所提到的弒父神話,不僅是在哀悼,也是在逼促著子代為其重新發出聲音,產生更新的「工作」與「作品」,Kakita'an祖屋的破毀與重建,正是這樣一種歷程的歷史反復。當代影像在這裡的位置,與其說是再現,不如說是增強祖靈之不可見但又反復徘徊的另一種靈媒,在本片中,我們見識了鬼魂徘徊的地域與部落政治意涵。 The documentary film "Returning Souls", directed by Hu Tai-Li, depicts the "homecoming" of the spirits of Tafalong ancestors from the Museum of Academia Sinica, or more precisely the returning of the ghosts of forefathers. The director made clear of her stance in the shooting of the documentary, which carries the resistance to the de-materialized political implication with ancient souls' presence being anthropologized and museumified. The film reveals the reconstruction of Kakita'an ancestral house of Tafalong. Due to the substantial influence of the return of ancestors' souls, the concept of local faction politics overpowering tribal elders' politics thus starts wavering. The father-killing myth told by Tafalong poet Adaw Palaf is not just to mourn, but to ask the descendants to voice on their behalf. So newer "works" and "projects" can come into being. The destruction as well as the reconstruction of Kakita'an ancestral house is exactly the historical iteration of such process. The role of modern images here is, instead of a reproduction, another kind of psychic, unseen and yet iterative. In this film, we shall see the territory and the meaning of tribal politics of ghost lingering.